Weak impact of nutrient enrichment on peat: Evidence from physicochemical properties
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- Li, Tong (Auteur)
- Yuan, Xin (Auteur)
- Ge, Leming (Auteur)
- Cao, Chenhao (Auteur)
- Suo, Yuchen (Auteur)
- Bu, Zhao-Jun (Auteur)
- Peng, Changhui (Auteur)
- Song, Hanxiong (Auteur)
- Liu, Ziping (Auteur)
- Liu, Shasha (Auteur)
- Wang, Meng (Auteur)
Weak impact of nutrient enrichment on peat: Evidence from physicochemical properties
Atmospheric deposition of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) far exceeding the pre-industrial levels have the potential to change carbon (C) dynamics in northern peatlands. However, the responses of soil C concentration and organo-chemical composition to different rates and durations of nutrient enrichment are still unclear. Here, we compared the short- (3 years) and long-term (10 years) effects of N and P fertilizations on the physicochemical properties of peat and porewater in a bog-fen complex in northern China. Our results showed that the short-term fertilization increased
moss cover, while the expansion of vascular plants was observed owing to the long-term fertilization. The preserved soil C did not vary considerably after the short- and long-term fertilizations. The harsh soil conditions may impede the decomposition of organic matters by soil microorganisms during the short-term fertilization. For the long-term fertilization, the input of high-phenolic litters owing to vascular plant expansion likely exerted an important control on soil C dynamics. These processes constrained the variation in soil C concentrations when the addition rate and cumulative amount of external N and P increased, which will advance our understanding and prediction of the resilience of soil C storage to imbalanced nutrient enrichment of N and P in northern peatlands.
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution
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Front. Ecol. Evol.
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Weak impact of nutrient enrichment on peat
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13/08/2024 17:35
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DOI.org (Crossref)
Li, T., Yuan, X., Ge, L., Cao, C., Suo, Y., Bu, Z.-J., Peng, C., Song, H., Liu, Z., Liu, S., & Wang, M. (2022). Weak impact of nutrient enrichment on peat: Evidence from physicochemical properties. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 10, 973626. https://doi.org/10.3389/fevo.2022.973626
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