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In more than twenty powerful films, Abenaki filmmaker Alanis Obomsawin has waged a brilliant battle against the ignorance and stereotypes that Native Americans have long endured in cinema and television. In this book, the first devoted to any Native filmmaker, Obomsawin receives her due as the central figure in the development of indigenous media in North America.
This paper was originally written for and presented at the Lesbian Lives XIII: Historicizing the Lesbian Conference in Dublin, Ireland in February 2006. The essay considers the history of Dykes on Mykes, a groundbreaking, lesbian and queer community-based radio program in Montréal, Canada. The authors, who are the show’s current hosts and technicians, collected data by examining the show’s archives and conducting individual and focus group interviews with Dykes on Mykes’ past and present hosts. These data reveal that changes in Dykes on Mykes’ programming and foci correlate closely with contemporary cultural and social developments among lesbian communities in Montréal.
Les auteures examinent le rôle historique, socio-politique de la programmation radiophonique montréalaise des années ‘20 alors que Dykes on Mykes, une émission qui a forgé et soutenu la sous-culture des lesbiennes et queers de la communauté anglophone de Montréal. Elles assurent que l’émission Dykes on Mykes a initié un courant alternatif à l’ordre établi en travaillant directement avec la communauté lesbienne et queer de Montréal et en contribuant à leur représentation positive dans les médias.
This article is an exploration of how genres and practices of electroacoustic soundmaking are gendered, examining processes of gendering in language used in the early dichotomous categorization between musique concrète and elektronische Musik, then thinking about related arguments concerning abstraction, context, and compositional control in the writings of electroacoustic soundmakers including Pierre Schaeffer, Pierre Boulez, Daphne Oram, Pauline Oliveros, and several participants of the In and Out of the Sound Studio project. Analysis of their practices and ideas suggests different ways of conceptualising electroacoustic genres, their related practices, and roles of contemporary electroacoustic soundmakers (composers, artists, producers, mixers, audiences...), by examining the potentials of the concepts of empathetic knowledge and ecological thinking advanced by feminist epistemologist Lorraine Code.
Dans l’introduction à ce numéro spécial d’Intersections, Andra McCartney et Ellen Waterman présentent les Dedans et Dehors du Studio, un projet de recherche ethnographique inter-universitaire soutenu financièrement par le CRSH du Canada de 2001 à 2005. L’équipe de recherche a étudié les idées et pratiques des artisans sonores canadiens, se penchant particulièrement sur le sujet de la relative invisibilité et inaudibilité des femmes, réfléchissant aux différentes manières dont les technologies et pratiques sonores peuvent être orientées sexuellement. Dans leurs essais, les auteures discutent des relations trouvées entre les termes genre, son et technologie, du point de vue aussi bien terminologique, qu’esthétique, du mentorat, ou encore méthodologique et théorique. Les contributions de McCartney, Diamond, Laplante, Labrosse, Marsh et Bosma sont ici discutées.
This paper is a study of prestige and boundaries in Quebec French-language popular music. Based on interviews with artists, producers and critics conducted in the early 1990s, I argue that popular music in Quebec at that time remained divided along a symbolic boundary established in the 1960s between a highly prestigious group of songwriters/rock artists, who wrote and sang their own material, and a less prestigious group of interpreters/artistes populaires, who sang light pop songs or songs written by others. As predicted by Bourdieu, I show that artists in the most prestigious category were associated with privileged social groups and gained material and symbolic advantages from their prestige. They are more likely to receive honorific awards, to be invited to perform at special cultural events, to see their work recognised as 'important', and to persist over time. In opposition to Bourdieu, however, I argue that in the context of emerging nationalism, their songs were also perceived as providing collective benefits over and beyond class and gender divisions.
An article from Circuit, on Érudit.
An article from Circuit, on Érudit.
Au cours des vingt dernières années, plusieurs travaux s’intéressant à la chanson québécoise dans ses dimensions historiques ont contribué à renouveler notre perception du passé musical populaire québécois. Des ouvrages de référence, comme le Dictionnaire de la musique populaire au Québec (Thérien et D’Amours, 1992) et la numérisation de l’Encyclopédie de la musique au Canada (Kalmann, Potvin et Winters, 1993), sont venus baliser le domaine des études sur la chanson en rendant accessibles de ...
En juin 2003 décédait tragiquement Roger Chamberland. Professeur titulaire à l’Université Laval, directeur du Département des littératures, cet homme du présent multipliait compétences et engagements dans une urgence aussi fervente que généreuse. Ses intérêts de recherche portaient sur des objets à la croisée des mouvements littéraires, artistiques et technologiques de son temps : formes variées de la culture populaire, expressions musicales contemporaines, esthétiques nouvelles étaient pour lui autant de champs d’investigation dignes de l’attention du chercheur d’aujourd’hui. Codirigé par Patrick Roy et Serge Lacasse, le présent ouvrage porte trace de cette enquête sur notre post-modernité. Il rend hommage au professeur, au chercheur qu’était Roger Chamberland. Ceux qui ont côtoyé cet homme d’exception, ses étudiants, ses collègues, ses amis, savent qu’il était infiniment plus que cela.
This master thesis aims to demonstrate that the personal diary, as a structure where several systems of signs can converge and seen from the point of view of evocation, can contribute to the structuring of a new hermeneutic figuration. For the purpose of this thesis, we analyze the limit of the literary fragment using the philosophical point of view of the Whole as a possible dynamic of restitution. Beyond this limit, we explore the emptiness that lays ahead, in the hope of, once again, recreating the Whole. References made to music (opera) throughout the diary, will be studied as a never ending "mise en abîme". We will use Lucien Dällenbach's methodology to detect and decode excerpts of Giuseppe Verdi's Trouvere and Richard Wagner's Rienzi within the diary. Throughout this thesis, we will suggest that textual and musical resonance between the word, the utterance and the code, allow for the creation of a system whose components are perpetually moving. For a better description of this system and in order to make the mechanism of sequences and resonance more clearly visible, we propose to consider this system as a fractal. This will enable us to constitute a system based on Henriette Dessaulles' diary (a "Dessaullien System"), a system erected using the science of fractals. The parameter of this system is the literary fragment, the unknown factor is the music and the interface is philosophy
This article presents popular Innu musical expressions as voices that serve to reaffirm Innu identity and revitalize Innu society and culture. These songs in the Innu language are inspired by various musical trends such as country, rock, folk and pop, as well as Innu, Pan-Indian, Christian and Quebecois traditions. They have been created, practiced and renewed since the second half of the twentieth century, accompanying the often radical events, movements and transformations that have marked Innu social and cultural life. Contemporary Innu youth, like their predecessors, are the primary conveyers of this expressive movement which they use to participate in the daily life of their communities, and reaffirm their identity, their experiences and their preoccupations, thus contributing to the revitalization of their world and the Innu “way of being”. We present some of the singers, groups and songs that are representative of contemporary Innu musical expression and who have had a significant impact within their society. This provides a sensitive understanding of the context, the significance and the power of these expressions.