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L'analyse proposée des films C.R.A.Z.Y. (Jean-Marc Vallée, 2005), J'ai tué ma mère (Xavier Dolan, 2009), Les amours imaginaires (Dolan, 2010) et Laurence Anyways (Dolan, 2012) convoque trois perspectives : le rock, le camp et le queer. Dans ces films québécois, la musique rock semble orienter la narration et l'esthétique. Elle fait également le pont entre l'anticonformisme auquel renvoie le paradigme rock et l'identité marginale des personnages. L'esthétique de l'image se plie parfois à la bande sonore, qui encourage certains effets visuels. Cela dit, les films de Vallée et de Dolan se servent différemment de l'esthétique rock et du camp, ce qui s'accorde aux représentations distinctes qu'ils produisent eu égard à l'orientation ou à la diversité sexuelles et au genre. L'excès des films de Dolan, leur hyperréférentialité, leur jeu constant entre recherche d'émotions esthétiques et d'émois narratifs, leur fréquente suspension de la réalité contribuent à une écriture du différé dans laquelle les personnages queer jouissent d'une amplitude considérable, alors que dans C.R.A.Z.Y. la performance hyperbolique s'articule plutôt à une analytique de l'homophobie (sociétale et intériorisée) que le film s'efforce de dresser, sans pouvoir échapper à un certain malaise.
Cette recherche propose d’interroger l’activité rap montréalaise d’un point de vue sociodiscursif et à l’aune du genre, à travers le prisme des pratiques, des représentations, des expériences et des trajectoires de rappeuses à Montréal. Inscrite dans le champ de la sociolinguistique et arrimée aux, ancrages théoriques et épistémologiques qui envisagent le genre comme un rapport social coproduit et les subjectivités en tant que traversées des rapports sociaux, mais jamais Pleinement déterminées par ces derniers, cette étude se base sur une enquête de terrain réalisée en 2011 auprès de rappeuses à Montréal. Axée sur un corpus discursif et interprété selon une méthode qui croise analyse du discours et analyse de contenu thématique, elle engage une approche des phénomènes et des processus à l’œuvre en tant qu’ils sont territorialisés.Les pratiques, les expériences et les représentations des rappeuses seront envisagées dans un contexte marqué par leur « rareté ». Il sera constaté qu’outre une actualisation des rapports sociaux de sexe, les pratiques et les expériences des rappeuses sont aussi impactées par les enjeux sociolinguistiques de l’espace montréalais, ainsi que par ce qui relève du concept de québéquicité. Ainsi, les rappeuses composent leurs pratiques et leurs trajectoires en étant toujours situées à une place unique, dynamique et forcément ambivalente au sein de la matrice de la domination, et qui se façonne notamment par l’imbrication du genre, du langage, des représentations sur le rap, et des héritages d’une idéologie de la francophonie canadienne-française, que réactualise notamment le concept de québéquicité contemporain.
The area now called Little Burgundy was the birthplace of jazz in Montreal. Explore the textures of Montreal's jazz era through an array of rare jazz artifacts, including swizzle sticks and menus from renowned Montreal nightclubs, flapper dresses of the 1920s, porter uniforms, old LP vinyl records, cocktail shakers, and sheet music. Each object tells a fascinating story!
Vivier: A Night Report is a kind of poetical archive of musical details, protocols, experiences, concepts, memories, fears, desires and sorrows connected to Canadian composer Claude Vivier's (1948-1983) unusual destiny. All characters from Marko Nikodijević's opera originate from Vivier's life and works but they are re-indexed, or reenacted differently. The countertenor voice of Vivier is what primarily makes him different from all the rest of the characters. Even it could be claimed that the rest of the voices are dominated by Vivier's vocal presence on stage. Vivier stands as symbol for minority, queer, vulnerable. During his short life he was trying to get his own voice, voice as the personification of freedom and possibility to be heard. Finally he gets vivid, imaginative opera in which both his physical and personified voices are shining by creativity that his art emanate. He gets his singing voice, and he finally gets heard.
In this paper, I examine how urban redevelopment and the regulation of public spaces in Montréal in the 1960s transformed the representations of the Lower Main, the city’s historic red-light and entertainment district. I argue that although the Lower Main had long been central to anti-urban discourses regarding heterosexual prostitution, by the 1960s the increased regulation of the city’s queer and trans populations changed its meaning as a representation of the inner city in decline. A central objective is to use this case study to queer discourses of urban decline by considering how heteronormativity was involved in the construction of the city’s sexual margins in the post-World War II period. A related objective is to call into question the narrative of “decline” itself by providing one example of the opportunities it created for queer place-making.
In the 1940s it was unheard of for women to be members of a professional orchestra, let alone play "masculine" instruments like the bass or trombone. Yet despite these formidable challenges, the Montreal Women's Symphony Orchestra (MWSO) became the only all-women orchestra in Canadian history. Formed in 1940, the MWSO became the first orchestra to represent Canada in New York City's Carnegie Hall and one of its members also became the first Canadian black woman to play in a symphony in Carnegie Hall. While the MWSO has paved the way for contemporary female musicians, the stories of these women are largely missing from historical records. From Kitchen to Carnegie Hall illuminates these revolutionary stories, including the life of the incredible Ethel Stark, the co-founder and conductor of the MWSO. Ethel's work opened doors of equal opportunity for marginalized groups and played an important role in breaking gender stereotypes in the Canadian music world.
On their arrival in Montreal, Moroccan Jews established themselves as a community and created a festival in order to promote, gain recognition of, and institutionalize their culture and identity into the broader Jewish community of Montreal. In this article, I propose to analyse the festival as a “thing” (Kopytoff 1986), the biography of which will give us information about its transformation, in terms of representation, through time. From ethnography and historical analysis of the festival, as well as an examination of cultural policies in Canada, Quebec and Montreal during the last decades, we will discover that Sephardic musical heritage, which was initially used for community celebration, was progressively transformed into a marketable product embodied by international pop stars. The representation of Sephardic identity transitioned from a specific cultural reference to Morocco, to Judeo-Spanish and Judeo-Arabic songs, to a plethora of references promoted by Sephardic pop stars, mainly from France and Israel. More broadly, this study will illuminate issues surrounding strategies implemented by the community leaders to be part of these cultural policies and gain visibility in the public sphere.
Nicole Lizée is an award-winning classical music composer and performer who composes for string quartet, electronic music, turntable, film, and other media. She has emerged as a major new voice in new classical composition, winning the coveted Canada Council for the Arts Jules Léger Prize (2013) for new Canadian chamber music with her work White Label Experiment. She has been commissioned by the Kronos Quartet among many other prestigious ensembles. This interview engages her relation to various aspects of her work, from marketing and promotion to inspiration and creation in the context of “avant garde” music. How can marketing continue to be part of the art itself? Does instinctively not fitting into a box allow for greater freedom to explore classical and chamber music in the broader context of film and other media? What other factors may be contributing to the inspired vitality of her work?
An article from Magazine Gaspésie, on Érudit.