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Tiga, Christian Pronovost, Jeff Waye and more remember the golden era of raves in Montréal.
DestiNATIONS est un projet culturel fédérateur autochtone d’envergure internationale basé à Montréal. Il émerge du RÉSEAU pour la stratégie urbaine de la communauté autochtone à Montréal, une association qui représente plus de 950 membres organisationnels et individuels de la communauté autochtone de Montréal. Le RÉSEAU a fait de ce projet d’ambassade culturelle autochtone une priorité transversale. DestiNATIONS s’est incorporé en mars 2014 et a tenu son assemblée générale de fondation le 21 mai 2015. DestiNATIONS a pour mandat de diffuser, promouvoir, produire, rechercher, soutenir et commanditer des produits artistiques, éducatifs et culturels multidisciplinaires (films, jeux vidéo, réalités virtu elles, danses, sculptures, musiques, artisanats, etc.) des Peuples autochtones, d’éduquer les publics sur les cultures autochtones traditionnelles et contemporaines et d’accueillir des rassemblements artistiques, politiques et culturels. DestiNATIONS est un lieu de rassemblement pour les Autochtones. DestiNATIONS est aussi un pôle de diffusion et de production de calibre international dédié à la découverte des cultures autochtones pour le plus grand plaisir des visiteurs et touristes internation aux. En 2015, DestiNATIONS s’est associé à Tourisme Autochtone Québec pour poursuivre la réalisation du projet d’infrastructure culturel et touristique de 6000 mètres carrés, basé à Montréal, appelé Legs des Premières Nations et des Inuits.
The author discusses the visibility and participation of women in electronic music culture. She argues that most electronic music social networks privilege male inclusion and success, and that skill-sharing is an important strategy to encourage women in the field. To seed this discussion, the author examines her own history with reflections on the gender dynamics within electronic music communities outside the academy, and the role that social and technical currencies play within them. She also discusses Ladies club, a music distribution project that led to several solo female electronic musicians taking the stage and organising events in Montreal during 2007.
The author focuses on the multilayered social identities internalized by seven second-generation Italian-Quebec artists and how it is manifested in their artwork. She examines how Quebec's political landscape, especially the impact of Quebec's linguistic, nationalist and cultural debates, and the subjects' parents' experience of immigration, impinged on the artistic process and production. The author demonstrates how these artists connect their Italian ethnicity to a creative practice to achieve a sense of balance between family traditions, personal identity, and belonging. The seven artists are: Vittorio Rossi (Playwright, Actor); Agata De Santis (Documentary Filmmaker, Producer, Blogger); Sandra Coppola (Filmmaker, Scriptwriter); Luisa Pepe (Singer, Songwriter); Franco Taddeo (Comedian); Michaela Di Cesare (Playwright, Actor); and Marco Calliari (Author, Composer, Musician).
This study examines the creative layers and continuities evident within the composition and rehearsal processes of Nicole Lizée’s Golden Age of the Radiophonic Workshop (Fibre-Optic Flowers), written for the Kronos Quartet in 2012. Lizée’s compositional approach to the historic and the new, and the mechanical and the human, are interpreted through Simon Emmerson’s three themes of combination, transformation, and control, and his three “impulses within composition” that combine live and acousmatic soundworlds – integration, antithesis, and co-existence. These concepts also help to articulate the way the players engage with the physical, psychological, and expressive demands of the piece. Discussions arising from the Kronos Quartet rehearsing the piece with the composer reveal how extensions are made to the performers’ mind and body experiences when they are required both to initiate and integrate sounds emanating from unfamiliar, analogue machines into their acoustic, yet amplified soundworld. Creative layers and continuities are seen to evolve from compositional experimentation and from composer–performer and co-performer dialogues in rehearsal in the BBC Maida Vale studio prior to the world premiere at a BBC Prom concert on 24 July 2012.
Explore the Red Bull Music Academy archive, tracing the global music institution’s more than 20-year history
Créée à l’Opéra de Montréal, l’œuvre de Kevin March, Les Feluettes, sur un livret de Michel Marc Bouchard, aborde de front une histoire d’amour entre deux hommes. Si les sujets homosexuels nous semblent communs dans la littérature, le théâtre et le cinéma, il faut se rendre à l’évidence qu’ils sont, du moins jusqu’à tout récemment, peu présents dans le monde de la musique, tous styles confondus. On entend beaucoup dire ces jours-ci que le genre de l’opéra, au public réputé conservateur, ne s’intéresse à cette thématique que depuis peu. Il s’agit en fait d’une demi-vérité, car s’il est vrai que l’homosexualité comme sujet principal n’est présent explicitement que dans des créations récentes, il se retrouve occasionnellement, caché ou crypté, dans diverses œuvres qui traversent son histoire vieille de plus de 400 ans.
In this study, four sets of songs composed by Violet Archer are examined, all of which were written at different points in her career. Archer studied with Paul Hindemith in 1948 – 49, and his teachings had a tremendous impact on the young composer. The first set of songs to be analyzed, Moon Songs, was written before her time with Hindemith, and will provide a baseline from which her later, post-Hindemith, works can be compared. Following her studies with Hindemith, Archer wrote three songs, “Cradle Song,” “April Weather,” and “First Snow,” all of which show evidence of Hindemith’s influence. Her later, more mature works, Northern Landscape and Caleidoscopio Quatro, demonstrate a refined compositional technique; one in which Archer has created her own style, while maintaining aspects of the approach taught by Hindemith at Yale. This study will elaborate on the aspects of Archer’s music that evolved throughout her compositional career.
Among the forms of oral history, the song, within the Inuit culture, was general practice and quite versatile. Inheriting this tradition, the contemporary Inuit song has risen in popularity starting in the 1970’s and has not diminished since. Within the literary field, the lyrics to the Inuit songs demonstrate a remarkable vitality in which the author-composers explore various aesthetics, navigate languages and transmit a part of their culture. Taking into consideration the historical context, this article aims to reflect on the formal evolution of the modern Inuit song and examine the relations that are maintained through more traditional portrayals. Finally, the ultra-contemporary body of musical works in Nunavik is notable for being particularly trilingual yet reveals an upsurge of texts in Inuktitut. What significance will this have on the overall discourse?
This article advances claims about Montreal’s electronic dance music scene through mapping the career of one of the key actors who shaped the electroclash scene from the early 2000s onwards—music producer/DJ Mini (née Evelyne Drouin). By way of detailing the career of DJ Mini, this text attempts to add to the queer musical narratives currently emerging from music scene analyses. Counter to the experiences of many women DJs and musicians participating in heterosexual and male-dominated music scenes, Drouin received extensive mentoring and support from various informal queer social networks spread throughout the circuits of the city. Not only did she gain access to a local production network of equipment and skill sharing, Drouin was also given access to spaces where she was able to develop production skills on her own time and at her own pace. DJ Mini’s story offers a telling case for the ways in which the politics of access—institutional, social, technological—remain central to the vitality and inclusivity of local music scenes.
What is the internet? It began as a military research experiment, but the internet has since become a sweeping cultural phenomenon. One of the most prevalent areas of the internet’s cultural dominance is in popular music, and this thesis addresses how the internet is being understood and discussed by popular music artists. I study the works of Grimes and Childish Gambino, two popular music artists who grew up alongside the internet’s rise to cultural dominance and explicitly address this experience as an integral component of their lives and works. I look specifically at discourse surrounding Grimes’ “post-internet” music and Childish Gambino’s expansive conceptual work Because the Internet (2013). This research concludes by addressing how popular music artists like Grimes and Childish Gambino are helping produce the ways in which we understand and discuss the cultural phenomenon of the internet, and how they provide a foundation for future artists and research to build upon.
Cette étude inclut les œuvres de Mara Tremblay, Ariane Moffat et Salomé Leclerc et vise un objectif double : d’une part, il s’agit d’analyser des textes lyriques qui ont une indéniable qualité poétique et d’autre part, de réaliser une étude intermédiale alliant texte, musique et clip-vidéo afin de voir comment le sens d’un de ces éléments est infléchi, modifié ou complété par celui des autres éléments. L’hypothèse de recherche est qu’aujourd’hui, les auteurs-compositeurs-interprètes conçoivent leur art à travers trois langages esthétiques (le texte, la musique et la vidéo), faisant de la musique une expérience plurisensorielle et intermédiale. Pour faire émerger le message de ces artistes, on mobilisera les théories du care et l’écoféminisme afin d’analyser le discours portant sur le sujet et le monde. On vise à dégager les grands thèmes de ces œuvres à travers une synthèse de ces trois approches critiques. L’analyse du corpus vise à déterminer la qualité poétique des textes et la vision du monde que ces trois artistes diffusent.