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The Connected Image in Mobile and Social Media: The Visual Instances of Adolescents Becoming
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- Lalonde, Martin (Auteur)
- Castro, C. (Éditeur)
The Connected Image in Mobile and Social Media: The Visual Instances of Adolescents Becoming
Titre du livre
An essential part of socialization and identity construction processes occurs for many teenagers in the virtual spaces where they interact with each other through the exchange of images. Self-portraits, social scenes, and unique events—the connected image is used to project an image of oneself toward the other, but also toward oneself. Examining this phenomenon through the lens of the affect theory, Lalonde conceptualizes images as affecting bodies in which the desires of users are expressed. As a complex manifestation, rather than simple gestures documenting daily life, connected images are instances of their virtualities. In this chapter, Lalonde provides a conceptual contribution to the understanding of the contextual conditions of mobile image-based social media interactions to inform educators and researchers in the field of education about the relational tensions that impact the behavior and engagement of learners within such spaces.
Maison d’édition
Palgrave Macmillan
QID: Q115256576
Lalonde, M. (2019). The Connected Image in Mobile and Social Media: The Visual Instances of Adolescents Becoming. In C. Castro (Ed.), An essential part of socialization and identity construction processes occurs for many teenagers in the virtual spaces where they interact with each other through the exchange of images. Self-portraits, social scenes, and unique events—the connected image is used to project an image of oneself toward the other, but also toward oneself. Examining this phenomenon through the lens of the affect theory, Lalonde conceptualizes images as affecting bodies in which the desires of users are expressed. As a complex manifestation, rather than simple gestures documenting daily life, connected images are instances of their virtualities. In this chapter, Lalonde provides a conceptual contribution to the understanding of the contextual conditions of mobile image-based social media interactions to inform educators and researchers in the field of education about the relational tensions that impact the behavior and engagement of learners within such spaces. Palgrave Macmillan.,+spatiality,+movement+and+materiality&source=bl&ots=y6k3Y_uOpM&sig=ACfU3U2OF0UEKpEi0uYFFRnf79781jnYsw&hl=fr&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjdlO3Mhqb6AhVMkIkEHTZ0CYgQ6AF6BAgCEAM#v=onepage&q=Mobile%20media%20in%20and%20outside%20of%20the%20art%20classroom%3A%20Attending%20to%20identity%2C%20spatiality%2C%20movement%20and%20materiality&f=false
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