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This dataset includes hotplate precipitation gauge data from 4 different sites sitting in the St. Lawrence River Valley. The hotplate data were obtained by the K63 Hotplate Total Precipitation Gauge. The instruments belonged to Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) and McGill University. UQAM has one hotplate permanently installed on the rooftop of the President-Kennedy building, in downtown Montreal. Another hotplate was temporarily deployed by the UQAM team in the instrument yard of UQTR as part of the WINTRE-MIX field campaign. McGill’s instruments are permanently installed in the instrument yards of Gault and Arboretum.
The Sentinel Radiation MetData provided in situ measurements of radiation fluxes for the Winter Precip Type Research Multi-scale Experiment (WINTRE-MIX) are included in this dataset. Pyranometer and radiation data are provided in netCDF format. Data were collected from the following 4 sites: Gault, Arboretum, UQAM-PK and Trois-Rivières.
This dataset contains raw data from an OTT Parsivel laser disdrometer that was temporarily installed at the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (UQTR) campus from December 2021 to April 2022 to support the Winter Precipitation Type Research Multi-Scale Experiment (WINTRE-MIX). The instrument provides histograms of hydrometeor size and fallspeed. The site sits in the St. Lawrence River Valley. Several other sites also collected Parsivel data during WINTRE-MIX.
This dataset contains raw data from an OTT Parsivel laser disdrometer permanently installed on the rooftop of UQAM President-Kennedy building in Montréal downtown, Québec. The instrument provides histograms of hydrometeor size and fallspeed. The site sits in the St. Lawrence River Valley. Several other sites also collected Parsivel data during WINTRE-MIX 2022.
The Sentinel Non-Radiation MetData provided in situ measurements of meteorological variables (such as 2-meter temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and direction, and precipitation) collected for the the Winter Precip Type Research Multi-scale Experiment (WINTRE-MIX) are included in this dataset. Data are provided in netCDF format. Data were collected from the following 4 sites: Gault, Arboretum, UQAM-PK and Trois-Rivières.
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