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Abstract The Canadian Precipitation Analysis (CaPA) system provides near-real-time precipitation analyses over Canada by combining observations with short-term numerical weather prediction forecasts. CaPA’s snowfall estimates suffer from the lack of accurate solid precipitation measurements to correct the first-guess estimate. Weather radars have the potential to add precipitation measurements to CaPA in all seasons but are not assimilated in winter due to radar snowfall estimate imprecision and lack of precipitation gauges for calibration. The main objective of this study is to assess the impact of assimilating Canadian dual-polarized radar-based snowfall data in CaPA to improve precipitation estimates. Two sets of experiments were conducted to evaluate the impact of including radar snowfall retrievals, one set using the high-resolution CaPA (HRDPA) with the currently operational quality control configuration and another increasing the number of assimilated surface observations by relaxing quality control. Experiments spanned two winter seasons (2021 and 2022) in central Canada, covering part of the entire CaPA domain. The results showed that the assimilation of radar-based snowfall data improved CaPA’s precipitation estimates 81.75% of the time for 0.5-mm precipitation thresholds. An increase in the probability of detection together with a decrease in the false alarm ratio suggested an improvement of the precipitation spatial distribution and estimation accuracy. Additionally, the results showed improvements for both precipitation mass and frequency biases for low precipitation amounts. For larger thresholds, the frequency bias was degraded. The results also indicated that the assimilation of dual-polarization radar data is beneficial for the two CaPA configurations tested in this study.
Several configurations of the Canadian Precipitation Analysis system (CaPA) currently produce precipitation analyses at Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC). To improve CaPA’s performance during the winter season, the impact of assimilating the IMERG V06 product (IMERG: Integrated Multi-satellitE Retrievals for GPM—Global Precipitation Measurement mission) into CaPA is examined in this study. Tests are conducted with CaPA’s 10 km deterministic version, evaluated over Canada and the northern part of the United States (USA). Maps from a case study show that IMERG plays a contradictory role in the production of CaPA’s precipitation analyses for a synoptic-scale winter storm over North America’s eastern coast. While its contribution appears to be physically correct over southern portions of the meteorological system, and early in its intensification phase, IMERG displays unrealistic spatial structures over land later in the system’s life cycle when it is located over northern (colder) areas. Objective evaluation of CaPA’s analyses when IMERG is assimilated without any restrictions shows an overall decrease in precipitation, which has a mixed effect (positive and negative) on the bias indicators. But IMERG’s influence on the Equitable Threat Score (ETS), a measure of CaPA’s analyses accuracy, is clearly negative. Using IMERG’s quality index (QI) to filter out areas where it is less accurate improves CaPA’s objective evaluation, leading to better ETS versus the control experiment in which no IMERG data are assimilated. Several diagnostics provide insight into the nature of IMERG’s contribution to CaPA. For the most successful configuration, with a QI threshold of 0.3, IMERG’s impact is mostly found in the warmer parts of the domain, i.e., in northern US states and in British Columbia. Spatial means of the temporal sums of absolute differences between CaPA’s analyses with and without IMERG indicate that this product also contributes meaningfully over land areas covered by snow, and areas where air temperature is below −2 °C (where precipitation is assumed to be in solid phase).
Abstract During near-0°C surface conditions, diverse precipitation types (p-types) are possible, including rain, drizzle, freezing rain, freezing drizzle, ice pellets, wet snow, snow, and snow pellets. Near-0°C precipitation affects wide swaths of the United States and Canada, impacting aviation, road transportation, power generation and distribution, winter recreation, ecology, and hydrology. Fundamental challenges remain in observing, diagnosing, simulating, and forecasting near-0°C p-types, particularly during transitions and within complex terrain. Motivated by these challenges, the field phase of the Winter Precipitation Type Research Multiscale Experiment (WINTRE-MIX) was conducted from 1 February to 15 March 2022 to better understand how multiscale processes influence the variability and predictability of p-type and amount under near-0°C surface conditions. WINTRE-MIX took place near the U.S.–Canadian border, in northern New York and southern Quebec, a region with plentiful near-0°C precipitation influenced by terrain. During WINTRE-MIX, existing advanced mesonets in New York and Quebec were complemented by deployment of 1) surface instruments, 2) the National Research Council Convair-580 research aircraft with W- and X-band Doppler radars and in situ cloud and aerosol instrumentation, 3) two X-band dual-polarization Doppler radars and a C-band dual-polarization Doppler radar from the University of Illinois, and 4) teams collecting manual hydrometeor observations and radiosonde measurements. Eleven intensive observing periods (IOPs) were coordinated. Analysis of these WINTRE-MIX IOPs is illuminating how synoptic dynamics, mesoscale dynamics, and microscale processes combine to determine p-type and its predictability under near-0°C conditions. WINTRE-MIX research will contribute to improving nowcasts and forecasts of near-0°C precipitation through evaluation and refinement of observational diagnostics and numerical forecast models.