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Abstract Precipitation changes modify C, N, and P cycles, which regulate the functions and structure of terrestrial ecosystems. Although altered precipitation affects above‐ and belowground C:N:P stoichiometry, considerable uncertainties remain regarding plant–microbial nutrient allocation strategies under increased (IPPT) and decreased (DPPT) precipitation. We meta‐analyzed 827 observations from 235 field studies to investigate the effects of IPPT and DPPT on the C:N:P stoichiometry of plants, soils, and microorganisms. DPPT reduced leaf C:N ratio, but increased the leaf and root N:P ratios reflecting stronger decrease of P compared with N mobility in soil under drought. IPPT increased microbial biomass C (+13%), N (+15%), P (26%), and the C:N ratio, whereas DPPT decreased microbial biomass N (−12%) and the N:P ratio. The C:N and N:P ratios of plant leaves were more sensitive to medium DPPT than to IPPT because drought increased plant N content, particularly in humid areas. The responses of plant and soil C:N:P stoichiometry to altered precipitation did not fit the double asymmetry model with a positive asymmetry under IPPT and a negative asymmetry under extreme DPPT. Soil microorganisms were more sensitive to IPPT than to DPPT, but they were more sensitive to extreme DPPT than extreme IPPT, consistent with the double asymmetry model. Soil microorganisms maintained stoichiometric homeostasis, whereas N:P ratios of plants follow that of the soils under altered precipitation. In conclusion, specific N allocation strategies of plants and microbial communities as well as N and P availability in soil critically mediate C:N:P stoichiometry by altered precipitation that need to be considered by prediction of ecosystem functions and C cycling under future climate change scenarios.
Abstract Globally, livestock grazing is an important management factor influencing soil degradation, soil health and carbon (C) stocks of grassland ecosystems. However, the effects of grassland types, grazing intensity and grazing duration on C stocks are unclear across large geographic scales. To provide a more comprehensive assessment of how grazing drives ecosystem C stocks in grasslands, we compiled and analyzed data from 306 studies featuring four grassland types across China: desert steppes, typical steppes, meadow steppes and alpine steppes. Light grazing was the best management practice for desert steppes (< 2 sheep ha −1 ) and typical steppes (3 to 4 sheep ha −1 ), whereas medium grazing pressure was optimal for meadow steppes (5 to 6 sheep ha −1 ) and alpine steppes (7 to 8 sheep ha −1 ) leading to the highest ecosystem C stocks under grazing. Plant biomass (desert steppes) and soil C stocks (meadow steppes) increased under light or medium grazing, confirming the ‘ intermediate disturbance hypothesis ’. Heavy grazing decreased all C stocks regardless of grassland ecosystem types, approximately 1.4 Mg ha −1 per year for the whole ecosystem. The regrowth and regeneration of grasslands in response to grazing intensity (i.e., grazing optimization ) depended on grassland types and grazing duration. In conclusion, grassland grazing is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, proper management (light or medium grazing) can maintain and even increase C stocks above- and belowground, and increase the harvested livestock products from grasslands. On the other hand, human-induced overgrazing can lead to rapid degradation of vegetation and soils, resulting in significant carbon loss and requiring long-term recovery. Grazing regimes (i.e., intensity and duration applied) must consider specific grassland characteristics to ensure stable productivity rates and optimal impacts on ecosystem C stocks. Graphical Abstract