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Abstract Based on the analysis of fish otolith assemblages from surface sediments of the Lomonosov Ridge (Arctic Ocean), we demonstrate that the very low Holocene sedimentation rates and winnowing of fine sediments result in the mixing of the whole Holocene populations at the sediment surface. Specimens from the Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 3 or older could even be recovered in the surface due to a sedimentary hiatus at some locations in the central Arctic during the last glacial maximum. Two examples illustrate that 14 C‐stratigraphies from planktic foraminifers in underlying cored sediments reflect the mixing between Holocene and MIS 3 or older populations, thus invalidating continuous age‐depth inferences based on 14 C ages. Hence, much caution is required when attempting to set paleoceanographic reconstructions based on 14 C chronologies in a low sediment accumulation rate environment such as the central Arctic Ocean. Already published paleoceanographic reconstructions from this area might thus require some revisions. , Plain Language Summary Radiocarbon ages of microfossils (fish otoliths) collected at the surface sediments of the Lomonosov Ridge, in the central Arctic Ocean, indicate that all populations that developed during the present interglacial are mixed within the approximately 1 cm‐thick surface layer. Fossil assemblages occasionally include specimens from older warm intervals. The stacking of fossil spanning thousands of years is due to the very low sediment accumulation rate of the area, the post‐depositional winnowing of fine sediments and mixing by benthic organisms. These process result in the impossibility to document the faunal evolution in the central Arctic Ocean during the last few tens of thousands of years using such fossils. , Key Points Fish otolith radiocarbon age distributions in surface sediments illustrate the mixing of Holocene and pre‐Last Glacial Maximum populations Low sedimentation rates, particle winnowing and sedimentary gaps may impact microfossil mixing and 14 C chronologies Published paleoclimate/paleoceanographic records from similar sites might thus require some reinterpretation
Abstract Merging the late Quaternary Arctic paleoceanography into the Earth's global climate history remains challenging due to the lack of robust marine chronostratigraphies. Over ridges notably, low and variable sedimentation rates, scarce biogenic remains ensuing from low productivity and/or poor preservation, and oxygen isotope and paleomagnetic records differing from global stacks represent major impediments. However, as illustrate here based on consistent records from Mendeleev‐Alpha and Lomonosov Ridges, disequilibria between U‐series isotopes can provide benchmark ages. In such settings, fluxes of the particle‐reactive U‐daughter isotopes 230 Th and 231 Pa from the water column, are not unequivocally linked to sedimentation rates, but rather to sea‐ice rafting and brine production histories, thus to the development of sea‐ice factories over shelves during intervals of high relative sea level. The excesses in 230 Th and 231 Pa over fractions supported by their parent U‐isotopes, collapse down sedimentary sequences, due to radioactive decay, and provide radiometric benchmark ages of approximately 300 and 140 ka, respectively. These “extinction ages” point to mean sedimentation rates of ∼4.3 and ∼1.7 mm/ka, respectively, over the Lomonosov and Mendeleev Ridges, which are significantly lower than assumed in most recent studies, thus highlighting the need for revisiting current interpretations of Arctic lithostratigraphies in relation to the global‐scale late Quaternary climatostratigraphy. , Plain Language Summary The Arctic Ocean represents a major component of the Earth climate system notably with regard to the Arctic amplification and freshwater fluxes toward the global ocean. Understanding its role versus the global climate history of the recent glacial/interglacial cycles remains challenging due to the lack of robust chronology of marine sedimentary archives. In the present study, we demonstrate that the decay of Uranium series isotopes in sediments from major Arctic ridges provide benchmark ages for the last ∼300,000 years and support the concept of a “sediment‐starved” environment in the central Arctic Ocean. , Key Points New chronology of late Quaternary marine sequences from the central Arctic Mean sedimentation rates of the order of millimeters per thousand years over ridges Highly discontinuous ice‐rafted sedimentation over ridges with gaps
Abstract Reconstructions of ocean primary productivity (PP) help to explain past and present biogeochemical cycles and climate changes in the oceans. We document PP variations over the last 50 kyr in a currently oligotrophic subtropical region, the Gulf of Cadiz. Data combine refined results from previous investigations on dinocyst assemblages, alkenones, and stable isotopes ( 18 O, 13 C) in planktonic ( Globigerina bulloides ) and endobenthic ( Uvigerina mediterranea ) foraminifera from cores MD04‐2805 CQ and MD99‐2339, with new isotopic measurements on epibenthic ( Cibicides pachyderma ‐ Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi ) foraminifera and dinocyst‐based estimates of PP using the new n = 1,968 modern database. We constrain PP variations and export production by integrating qualitative information from bioindicators with dinocyst‐based quantitative reconstructions such as PP and seasonal sea surface temperature and information about remineralization from the benthic Δδ 13 C (difference between epibenthic and endobenthic foraminiferal δ 13 C signatures). This study also includes new information on alkenone‐based SST and total organic carbon which provides insights into the relationship between past regional hydrological activity and PP regime change. We show that PP, carbon export, and remineralization were generally high in the NE subtropical Atlantic Ocean during the last glacial period and that the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) had lower Δδ 13 C than the Heinrich Stadials with sustained high PP, likely allowing enhanced carbon sequestration. We link these PP periods to the dynamics of upwelling, active almost year‐round during sadials, but restricted to spring‐summer during interstadials and LGM, like today. During interstadials, nutrient advection through freshwater inputs during autumn‐winter needs also to be considered to fully understand PP regimes. , Key Points Productivity (PP) in the Gulf of Cadiz is dependent on the seasonality control for both upwelling and nutrient‐enriched freshwater inputs We show generally high PP, carbon export, and remineralization during the last glacial period at the study site The Last Glacial Maximum had lower Δδ 13 C than the Heinrich Stadials with sustained high PP likely allowing enhanced carbon sequestration
Abstract Proxy reconstructions from the mid‐Holocene (MH: 6,000 years ago) indicate an intensification of the West African Monsoon and a weakening of the South American Monsoon, primarily resulting from orbitally‐driven insolation changes. However, model studies that account for MH orbital configurations and greenhouse gas concentrations can only partially reproduce these changes. Most model studies do not account for the remarkable vegetation changes that occurred during the MH, in particular over the Sahara, precluding realistic simulations of the period. Here, we study precipitation changes over northern Africa and South America using four fully coupled global climate models by accounting for the Saharan greening. Incorporating the Green Sahara amplifies orbitally‐driven changes over both regions, and leads to an improvement in proxy‐model agreement. Our work highlights the local and remote impacts of vegetation and the importance of considering vegetation changes in the Sahara when studying and modeling global climate. , Plain Language Summary Paleoclimate modeling offers a way to test the ability of climate models to detect climate change outside the envelope of historical climatic variability. The mid‐Holocene (MH: 6,000 years ago) is a key interval for paleoclimate studies, as the Northern Hemisphere received greater summer‐time insolation and experienced stronger monsoons than today. Due to a stronger MH West African Monsoon, the Saharan region received enough rainfall to be able to host vegetation. The vegetation changes in the Sahara affected not only the local climate but also far‐afield locations through teleconnections in the global climate system. In this study, we simulate the MH climate using four climate models, each with two types of simulations—with and without the Green Sahara. We show that simulations with the Green Sahara capture greater drying over the South American continent than the simulations which only account for changes in orbital forcing and greenhouse gas concentrations. The simulations with the Green Sahara are more in line with proxy reconstructions, lending further support to incorporating vegetation changes as a necessary boundary condition to simulate the MH climate realistically. , Key Points We simulate the mid‐Holocene with and without the Green Sahara using four fully coupled global climate models The mid‐Holocene simulation with the Green Sahara shows intensification of orbitally‐driven changes in precipitation over northern Africa and South America Incorporation of the Green Sahara leads to greater proxy‐model agreement over both northern Africa and South America
The Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) is a major contributor to sea level rise and may already be in irreversible decline. Observations spanning recent decades show the GrIS losing mass at an increasing rate; however, projecting this trend into the future is complicated by year-to-year variability and requires looking at longer timescales. Historical data suggest the GrIS was nearly in balance in the 1800s (-900 Gt/century), but had negative balance in the 1900s (-4000 to -8000 Gt/century). Projecting observations made thus far from the 2000s, mass-loss rate could average anywhere from ca. -40,000 to -100,000 Gt/century. Our goal is to evaluate these historic and contemporary rates of GrIS mass loss within the framework of the current Holocene interglacial spanning the last 12,000 years. To do so we combine the first highly resolved paleo-GrIS simulations using NASA's Ice Sheet System Model with novel climate forcing based on a data assimilation approach using multiple paleoclimate records. Our new simulations take place across a glaciologically simple domain in SW Greenland (encompassing ca. 30% of the ice sheet), where they are validated with our detailed glacial chronology of Holocene ice margin change. During the Holocene thermal maximum, a period between ca. 10,000 and 8000 years ago, the GrIS experienced elevated mass loss rates, with maximum values on the order of -5000 to -10,000 Gt/century for our model domain. When these values are scaled to the entire GrIS (using the proportion of SW mass loss vs. total GrIS mass loss from contemporary studies), they equate to maximum mass loss rates of ca. -20,000 to -40,000 Gt/century. From this we conclude that the rate of GrIS mass loss will exceed Holocene values this century.