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Abstract The role and impact that boundary layer and shallow cumulus clouds have on the medium-range forecast of a large-scale weather system is discussed in this study. A mesoscale version of the Global Environmental Multiscale (GEM) atmospheric model is used to produce a 5-day numerical forecast of a midlatitude large-scale weather system that occurred over the Pacific Ocean during February 2003. In this version of GEM, four different schemes are used to represent (i) boundary layer clouds (including stratus, stratocumulus, and small cumulus clouds), (ii) shallow cumulus clouds (overshooting cumulus), (iii) deep convection, and (iv) nonconvective clouds. Two of these schemes, that is, the so-called MoisTKE and Kuo Transient schemes for boundary layer and overshooting cumulus clouds, respectively, have been recently introduced in GEM and are described in more detail. The results show that GEM, with this new cloud package, is able to represent the wide variety of clouds observed in association with the large-scale weather system. In particular, it is found that the Kuo Transient scheme is mostly responsible for the shallow/intermediate cumulus clouds in the rear portion of the large-scale system, whereas MoisTKE produces the low-level stratocumulus clouds ahead of the system. Several diagnostics for the rear portion of the system reveal that the role of MoisTKE is mainly to increase the vertical transport (diffusion) associated with the boundary layer clouds, while Kuo Transient is acting in a manner more consistent with convective stabilization. As a consequence, MoisTKE is not able to remove the low-level shallow cloud layer that is incorrectly produced by the GEM nonconvective condensation scheme. Kuo Transient, in contrast, led to a significant reduction of these nonconvective clouds, in better agreement with satellite observations. This improved representation of stratocumulus and cumulus clouds does not have a large impact on the overall sea level pressure patterns of the large-scale weather system. Precipitation in the rear portion of the system, however, is found to be smoother when MoisTKE is used, and significantly less when the Kuo Transient scheme is switched on.
Abstract The Canadian Precipitation Analysis System (CaPA) is an operational system that uses a combination of weather gauge and ground-based radar measurements together with short-term forecasts from a numerical weather model to provide near-real-time estimates of 6- and 24-h precipitation amounts. During the winter season, many gauge measurements are rejected by the CaPA quality control process because of the wind-induced undercatch for solid precipitation. The goal of this study is to improve the precipitation estimates over central Canada during the winter seasons from 2019 to 2022. Two approaches were tested. First, the quality control procedure in CaPA has been relaxed to increase the number of surface observations assimilated. Second, the automatic solid precipitation measurements were adjusted using a universal transfer function to compensate for the undercatch problem. Although increasing the wind speed threshold resulted in lower amounts and worse biases in frequency, the overall precipitation estimates are improved as the equitable threat score is improved because of a substantial decrease in the false alarm ratio, which compensates the degradation of the probability of detection. The increase of solid precipitation amounts using a transfer function improves the biases in both frequency and amounts and the probability of detection for all precipitation thresholds. However, the false alarm ratio deteriorates for large thresholds. The statistics vary from year to year, but an overall improvement is demonstrated by increasing the number of stations and adjusting the solid precipitation amounts for wind speed undercatch.
Abstract The Canadian Precipitation Analysis (CaPA) system provides near-real-time precipitation analyses over Canada by combining observations with short-term numerical weather prediction forecasts. CaPA’s snowfall estimates suffer from the lack of accurate solid precipitation measurements to correct the first-guess estimate. Weather radars have the potential to add precipitation measurements to CaPA in all seasons but are not assimilated in winter due to radar snowfall estimate imprecision and lack of precipitation gauges for calibration. The main objective of this study is to assess the impact of assimilating Canadian dual-polarized radar-based snowfall data in CaPA to improve precipitation estimates. Two sets of experiments were conducted to evaluate the impact of including radar snowfall retrievals, one set using the high-resolution CaPA (HRDPA) with the currently operational quality control configuration and another increasing the number of assimilated surface observations by relaxing quality control. Experiments spanned two winter seasons (2021 and 2022) in central Canada, covering part of the entire CaPA domain. The results showed that the assimilation of radar-based snowfall data improved CaPA’s precipitation estimates 81.75% of the time for 0.5-mm precipitation thresholds. An increase in the probability of detection together with a decrease in the false alarm ratio suggested an improvement of the precipitation spatial distribution and estimation accuracy. Additionally, the results showed improvements for both precipitation mass and frequency biases for low precipitation amounts. For larger thresholds, the frequency bias was degraded. The results also indicated that the assimilation of dual-polarization radar data is beneficial for the two CaPA configurations tested in this study.
Several configurations of the Canadian Precipitation Analysis system (CaPA) currently produce precipitation analyses at Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC). To improve CaPA’s performance during the winter season, the impact of assimilating the IMERG V06 product (IMERG: Integrated Multi-satellitE Retrievals for GPM—Global Precipitation Measurement mission) into CaPA is examined in this study. Tests are conducted with CaPA’s 10 km deterministic version, evaluated over Canada and the northern part of the United States (USA). Maps from a case study show that IMERG plays a contradictory role in the production of CaPA’s precipitation analyses for a synoptic-scale winter storm over North America’s eastern coast. While its contribution appears to be physically correct over southern portions of the meteorological system, and early in its intensification phase, IMERG displays unrealistic spatial structures over land later in the system’s life cycle when it is located over northern (colder) areas. Objective evaluation of CaPA’s analyses when IMERG is assimilated without any restrictions shows an overall decrease in precipitation, which has a mixed effect (positive and negative) on the bias indicators. But IMERG’s influence on the Equitable Threat Score (ETS), a measure of CaPA’s analyses accuracy, is clearly negative. Using IMERG’s quality index (QI) to filter out areas where it is less accurate improves CaPA’s objective evaluation, leading to better ETS versus the control experiment in which no IMERG data are assimilated. Several diagnostics provide insight into the nature of IMERG’s contribution to CaPA. For the most successful configuration, with a QI threshold of 0.3, IMERG’s impact is mostly found in the warmer parts of the domain, i.e., in northern US states and in British Columbia. Spatial means of the temporal sums of absolute differences between CaPA’s analyses with and without IMERG indicate that this product also contributes meaningfully over land areas covered by snow, and areas where air temperature is below −2 °C (where precipitation is assumed to be in solid phase).