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Cette étude explore les perceptions et les expériences d'un petit groupe de parents lesbiens vivant dans une région rurale d'Australie, qui ont discuté des décisions qu'ils ont prises pour fonder leur famille, de leurs attentes et de leur compréhension de leurs rôles et relations et de leurs concepts de famille et de parentalité. L'étude explore également la manière dont ces familles de parents lesbiens ont négocié les cadres juridiques complexes dans lesquels elles existent.
L'humoriste australienne Hannah Gadsby redéfinit l'humour standard en combinant lignes assassines et révélations troublantes sur les genres, la sexualité et l'enfance.
Comment tenter de trans/former la conscience de personnes engagées dans des situations de conflit, des tensions sociales et raciales et en quête de changements politiques significatifs ? Trois types de textes se font ici écho : six auteur·e·s analysent les « rencontres radicales » organisées entre Palestinien·ne·s et Israélien·ne·s ; bell hooks écrit sur l’éducation à/par l’émancipation dans le contexte des discriminations raciales aux États-Unis ; enfin, trois participant·e·s à des groupes de rencontre en Kanaky/Nouvelle-Calédonie nous proposent un troisième point d’ancrage en cette année de référendum d’autodétermination. Un ouvrage collectif qui vise à donner voix ensemble aux militant·e·s et aux théories, engageant un dialogue qui offre un répertoire d’actions et de réflexions puissant et décapant au confluent du féminisme, de l’analyse de la colonialité et d’une radicalité revendiquée. Essais de bell hooks, Rabah Halabi, Michal Zak, Nava Sonnenschein, Ramzi Suleiman, Ahmad Hijazi, Tal Dor, Angélina Perrochaud, Pascal Hébert, Pierre Wélépa et Nassira Hedjerassi.
The part anger plays in motivating political action is frequently noted, but less is said about ways in which anger continues to be a part of how people do politics. This article critically assesses approaches to emotions that emphasize managing anger in accordance with ‘feeling rules’. It reflects on the utility of Marxist notions of conflict as the engine of change for the understanding of how anger operates in political life. This involves understanding the ambivalence of anger and its operation within particular power relations. Shifting sets of conventions have had some continuity in discouraging women in Western nations (particularly white and middle-class women) from showing anger. But clearly, women do get angry and feminists have drawn on anger in acting politically. New Zealand feminist writings from the ‘second wave’ are taken as illustrative of the common difficulties Western feminists faced in dealing with anger. These difficulties were due to trying to juggle social conventions about femininity, the political ideal of sisterhood, and the realities of dealing with other women in often new and experimental political processes. Anger could be personalized and hurtful, but in certain cases its expression was constructive in producing more respectful relations. Exploring these cases makes it clear how anger produces, and is produced by, relations with others.
This article explores the relationship between identity, emotion, and feminist collective action. Based on interview research, the analysis confirms the central importance of anger in collective action and its particular significance for feminist identity and activism. As an emotion thought deviant for women, the anger inherent in feminist collective action frames created problems for participants in terms of relationships with partners, friends, and work colleagues. Participants performed emotion work to deal with negative responses to their feminist identity, but this depleted emotional energy and created stress. Participation in movement events provided much-needed emotional support and an outlet for deviant emotions.