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Shows how reproductive justice organizations' collaborative work across racial lines provides a compelling model for other groups to successfully influence change Patricia Zavella experienced firsthand the trials and judgments imposed on a working professional mother of color: her own commitment to academia was questioned during her pregnancy, as she was shamed for having children "too young." And when she finally achieved her professorship, she felt out of place as one of the few female faculty members with children. These experiences sparked Zavella's interest in the movement for reproductive justice. In this book, she draws on five years of ethnographic research to explore collaborations among women of color engaged in reproductive justice activism. While there are numerous organizations focused on reproductive justice, most are racially specific, such as the National Asian Pacific American Women's Forum and Black Women for Wellness. Yet Zavella reveals that many of these organizations have built coalitions among themselves, sharing resources and supporting each other through different campaigns and struggles. While the coalitions are often regional-or even national-the organizations themselves remain racially or ethnically specific, presenting unique challenges and opportunities for the women involved. Zavella argues that these organizations provide a compelling model for negotiating across differences within constituencies. In the context of the war on women's reproductive rights and its disproportionate effect on women of color, and increased legal violence toward immigrants, The Movement for Reproductive Justice demonstrates that a truly intersectional movement built on grassroots organizing, culture shift work, and policy advocating can offer visions of strength, resiliency, and dignity for all.
Le sexe du militantisme propose une analyse de la (re)production des rapports de pouvoir au travers des pratiques militantes, saisissant les logiques par lesquelles les inégalités de genre, de classe et de race imprègnent le militantisme, qu'il soit de gauche ou de droite, progressiste ou conservateur. Premier ouvrage en français à explorer le militantisme dans une perspective de genre à partir de recherches empiriques sur les partis, les syndicats et les mouvements sociaux, il rassemble des politistes, sociologues, anthropologues et historiennes dont le souci est de ne pas appréhender les luttes politiques comme si elles étaient « neutres » et non sexuées. Une contribution majeure à l'étude des mobilisations collectives qui complète les analyses classiques, aveugles aux rapports de genre.