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Extreme metal is a masculine space, yet more and more women join in. They face a contradiction: as women, they are expected to adopt feminine behaviours; however, they are part of a subculture that valorizes warrior masculinity. I sought to understand the gender expectations of the Montreal extreme metal scene and interpret the contradictions encountered by women in this scene with the help of Schippers’ (2007) theoretical framework on gender. To do so, I conducted 16 individual interviews with women and men who take part in the scene. This research fills a gap in the literature on gender that derives from Connell and Schippers’ writings and addresses issues that the field of metal studies has brushed over. I found that metal men are the “default” participants in the scene. They are expected to be fine music connoisseurs and even become musicians. In contrast, women’s presence is heterosexualized and attributed to a romantic or sexual interest in metal men. Women are suspected of being “poseuses” or groupies with no real interest in the music until proven otherwise. To become legitimate participants, they have to overcome those expectations and prove that they are worthy of being viewed through the prism of masculinity rather than femininity. They do so by proving their exceptionality through manhood acts and distancing themselves from other women. Despite their gender transgressions, women’s presence does not fundamentally question gender relations but reaffirms the overall primacy of masculinity over femininity.
En tant que couple masculin-féminin comparable aux genres lesbiens butch-femme dans les sociétés euro-américaines, les rôles de genre TP constituent des éléments vivants dans la sous-culture lesbienne, ou lala , de la Chine continentale contemporaine. Sur la base d'une étude ethnographique menée au milieu des années 2010 à Shanghai et dans la province du Yunnan, en Chine, et en appliquant le cadre théorique de « l'esthétique passionnée », j'étudie dans cet article les discours et les pratiques pertinents pour les genres TP . J’analyse comment les hiérarchies ont été (re)produites au sein des communautés lala et comment, dans ces processus, les compréhensions (hétéro)normatives du genre et de la sexualité sont devenues à la fois sources de connaissances et objets de critique. Je soutiens que des esthétiques passionnées multiples et concurrentes, y compris la forme dominante d'hétéronormativité en Chine et les connaissances mondialisées, voire occidentales, sur le genre et la sexualité, ont entraîné trois grands types de hiérarchie parmi les lalas : des hiérarchies entre les catégories TP , qui sont paradoxalement définies par la notion de « pureté » ; les hiérarchies dans les discours féministes et activistes LGBTQ, qui banalisent, voire font taire, les incarnations quotidiennes du TP ; et les hiérarchies entre masculinité et féminité, qui encouragent diverses pratiques de masculinité féminine tout en valorisant la masculinité plutôt que la féminité.
Shows how reproductive justice organizations' collaborative work across racial lines provides a compelling model for other groups to successfully influence change Patricia Zavella experienced firsthand the trials and judgments imposed on a working professional mother of color: her own commitment to academia was questioned during her pregnancy, as she was shamed for having children "too young." And when she finally achieved her professorship, she felt out of place as one of the few female faculty members with children. These experiences sparked Zavella's interest in the movement for reproductive justice. In this book, she draws on five years of ethnographic research to explore collaborations among women of color engaged in reproductive justice activism. While there are numerous organizations focused on reproductive justice, most are racially specific, such as the National Asian Pacific American Women's Forum and Black Women for Wellness. Yet Zavella reveals that many of these organizations have built coalitions among themselves, sharing resources and supporting each other through different campaigns and struggles. While the coalitions are often regional-or even national-the organizations themselves remain racially or ethnically specific, presenting unique challenges and opportunities for the women involved. Zavella argues that these organizations provide a compelling model for negotiating across differences within constituencies. In the context of the war on women's reproductive rights and its disproportionate effect on women of color, and increased legal violence toward immigrants, The Movement for Reproductive Justice demonstrates that a truly intersectional movement built on grassroots organizing, culture shift work, and policy advocating can offer visions of strength, resiliency, and dignity for all.
L'anthropologue explique que le loup et le musulman sont deux grandes figures fantasmatiques apparaissant comme une menace pour la civilisation, régie par la domestication et la volonté de gouverner. En effet, selon lui, le crime écologique et le crime racial relèvent d'une illusion domesticatrice, dans la mesure où ni le climat ni les âmes ne peuvent être gouvernés.
Dans cet article, je prends pour objet une enquête passée, menée sur la prostitution de rue. Partant du vécu d’une émotion forte en aval de la recherche, après la sortie du terrain et après la discussion des résultats, je m’interroge sur la place des émotions dans l’enquête, en particulier en lien avec l’ethnographie de la violence dans la prostitution. En revenant sur le meurtre d’une personne connue sur le terrain et sur ce que cet événement a suscité en termes de retour sur ma démarche, je montre notamment que les émotions agissent en modifiant notre vécu, y compris en aval du terrain, nous permettant de revenir sur notre positionnement face à l’objet de recherche.
This article focuses on sexualities in the USA that exist within the border between heterosexuality and homosexuality. I first examine the usefulness of applying borderland theory to non-gay/non-straight sexualities such as queer and bisexual. I then give an ethnographic analysis of sexual self-identities on the borders, shedding light on how participants envisioned labels such as ‘pansexual,’ and ‘heteroflexible.’ Finally, I explore the ways that the sexual borderlands became tangible in Lexington, Kentucky at certain events and locations. Throughout, I highlight the ways that the sexual borderland touches on all sexualities, as individuals knowingly cross, inhabit, or bolster sexual identity borders.