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Plutôt que de réduire le féminisme à des revendications faites à l’État, au patron, au chef ou à papa, pour plus de lois, plus de “sécurité”, à n’être que le porte-drapeau ou le cache-misère du capitalisme, de tel ou tel gouvernement nationaliste, ces histoires des féminismes présents rappellent et font résonner ensemble nos vies féministes. Ce livre fonctionne comme un abécédaire, un manuel, une boîte à outils, un dictionnaire amoureux, dans lequel échanger des idées, affûter des armes, écouter des voix, partager des expériences et des pratiques, vibrer pour des luttes présentes. Il s’adresse à tous·tes : il contient à la fois des ressources et foisonne de références utiles, de notions, mais il est fabriqué par des plumes et des voix, des points de vue situés sur des retours d’expériences collectives, des itinéraires politiques et intimes, des réflexions et des rétrospections sur des parcours, des engagements, des révoltes et des espoirs. En pluralisant les styles, en se situant à la fois du côté de la théorie et de la pratique, de la création, des écritures au “nous” et au “je”, il témoigne de la force d’une approche féministe de l’histoire intellectuelle et politique. Il est dédié à toutes les résistantes anonymes au quotidien des violences les plus crasses, à celles qui embrasent les tribunaux, cassent des genoux et brisent les vitrines, à celles qui inventent mille tactiques imperceptibles pour survivre et se mettre à l’abri, à la mémoire de celles dont les noms recouvrent les murs de nos villes la nuit, à la puissance des collectifs qui se font, à ceux qui se sont défaits, qui se sont (re)constitués ailleurs ou autrement, à ce qui nous lie.
Shows how reproductive justice organizations' collaborative work across racial lines provides a compelling model for other groups to successfully influence change Patricia Zavella experienced firsthand the trials and judgments imposed on a working professional mother of color: her own commitment to academia was questioned during her pregnancy, as she was shamed for having children "too young." And when she finally achieved her professorship, she felt out of place as one of the few female faculty members with children. These experiences sparked Zavella's interest in the movement for reproductive justice. In this book, she draws on five years of ethnographic research to explore collaborations among women of color engaged in reproductive justice activism. While there are numerous organizations focused on reproductive justice, most are racially specific, such as the National Asian Pacific American Women's Forum and Black Women for Wellness. Yet Zavella reveals that many of these organizations have built coalitions among themselves, sharing resources and supporting each other through different campaigns and struggles. While the coalitions are often regional-or even national-the organizations themselves remain racially or ethnically specific, presenting unique challenges and opportunities for the women involved. Zavella argues that these organizations provide a compelling model for negotiating across differences within constituencies. In the context of the war on women's reproductive rights and its disproportionate effect on women of color, and increased legal violence toward immigrants, The Movement for Reproductive Justice demonstrates that a truly intersectional movement built on grassroots organizing, culture shift work, and policy advocating can offer visions of strength, resiliency, and dignity for all.
Expanding the social justice discourse surrounding "reproductive rights" to include issues of environmental justice, incarceration, poverty, disability, and more, this crucial anthology explores the practical applications for activist thought migrating from the community into the academy. Radical Reproductive Justice assembles two decades’ of work initiated by SisterSong Women of Color Health Collective, creators of the human rights-based “reproductive justice” framework to move beyond polarized pro-choice/pro-life debates. Rooted in Black feminism and built on intersecting identities, this revolutionary framework asserts a woman's right to have children, to not have children, and to parent and provide for the children they have.
Undivided Rights captures the evolving and largely unknown activist history of women of color organizing for reproductive justice—on their own behalf.Undivided Rights presents a textured understanding of the reproductive rights movement by placing the experiences, priorities, and activism of women of color in the foreground. Using historical research, original organizational case studies, and personal interviews, the authors illuminate how women of color have led the fight to control their own bodies and reproductive destinies. Undivided Rights shows how women of color—-starting within their own Latina, African American, Native American, and Asian American communities—have resisted coercion of their reproductive abilities. Projected against the backdrop of the mainstream pro-choice movement and radical right agendas, these dynamic case studies feature the groundbreaking work being done by health and reproductive rights organizations led by women-of-color.The book details how and why these women have defined and implemented expansive reproductive health agendas that reject legalistic remedies and seek instead to address the wider needs of their communities. It stresses the urgency for innovative strategies that push beyond the traditional base and goals of the mainstream pro-choice movement—strategies that are broadly inclusive while being specific, strategies that speak to all women by speaking to each woman. While the authors raise tough questions about inclusion, identity politics, and the future of women’s organizing, they also offer a way out of the limiting focus on "choice."Undivided Rights articulates a holistic vision for reproductive freedom. It refuses to allow our human rights to be divvied up and parceled out into isolated boxes that people are then forced to pick and choose among.
En rassemblant et en présentant les œuvres de Stewart, Richardson offre aux lecteurices l'occasion d'étudier les pensées et les paroles de cette influente militante noire, précurseuse de Frederick Douglass et de Sojourner Truth et première noire américaine à donner des conférences pour la défense des droits des femmes, la plaçant dans le contexte du mouvement abolitionniste tourbillonnant.