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The music of Canadian composer Claude Vivier (1948-1983) was used as a fractalized material for the creation of the composition Chambres de ténèbres/tombeau de Claude Vivier (2005) by Marko Nikodijević. Vivier’s opus and his marginal queer acting were the pillars of Nikodijević’s meticulous reading/deconstructing of Vivier’s world through his own artistic dilemmas.
Vivier: A Night Report is a kind of poetical archive of musical details, protocols, experiences, concepts, memories, fears, desires and sorrows connected to Canadian composer Claude Vivier's (1948-1983) unusual destiny. All characters from Marko Nikodijević's opera originate from Vivier's life and works but they are re-indexed, or reenacted differently. The countertenor voice of Vivier is what primarily makes him different from all the rest of the characters. Even it could be claimed that the rest of the voices are dominated by Vivier's vocal presence on stage. Vivier stands as symbol for minority, queer, vulnerable. During his short life he was trying to get his own voice, voice as the personification of freedom and possibility to be heard. Finally he gets vivid, imaginative opera in which both his physical and personified voices are shining by creativity that his art emanate. He gets his singing voice, and he finally gets heard.