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Bibliographie sur l’histoire de Montréal

Afro-Canadian Activism in the 1960s

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Afro-Canadian Activism in the 1960s
Afro-Canadian activism became increasingly militant in the 1960s. The rise in militancy in the Afro-American leadership of the 1960s was one factor contributing to the new era of black politics in Canada. Increased immigration from the West Indies also encouraged the proliferation of Afro-Canadian organizations dedicated to challenging racial discrimination. Afro-Canadian activism, however, developed in a substantially different manner than black politics in the United States. On the whole, most Afro-Canadian organizations and leaders were considerably less militant in their tactics and strategies than their counterparts in the United States. Internecine divisions over ancestral origin were also more pronounced in Canada where the black population was ethnically heterogeneous when compared to the Afro-American community.
Mémoire de maîtrise (histoire)
Université Concordia
Nb de pages
viii, 128
Citer ce document
STAMADIANOS, Peter. Afro-Canadian Activism in the 1960s. Mémoire de maîtrise (histoire), Université Concordia, 1994. viii, 128 p.
Conseil de recherche en sciences humaines du Canada Fonds de recherche Société et culture
Crédit photo : Vue en direction sud-est vers l’édifice de Bell Téléphone, avec le pont Jacques-Cartier au loin, Montréal, QC, vers 1935.
Photographe : Harry Sutcliffe. Collection du Musée McCord, M2011. © Musée McCord.
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