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Building the Jewish Community and Claiming “Half the Kingdom”: Women’s Work, Diversity, and Social Justice in Montreal, 1917-2017
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- Poutanen, Mary Anne (Auteur)
Building the Jewish Community and Claiming “Half the Kingdom”: Women’s Work, Diversity, and Social Justice in Montreal, 1917-2017
Titre du site Web
Juifs d'ici
Type de site Web
Organisation communautaire : Fédération CJA
Consulté le
2018-07-12 13 h 08
Citer ce document
POUTANEN, Mary Anne. « Building the Jewish Community and Claiming “Half the Kingdom”: Women’s Work, Diversity, and Social Justice in Montreal, 1917-2017 ». Juifs d’ici. 2017. http://www.juifsdici.ca/category/femmes/.
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